
We are proud and pleased to offer these services:

  1. Custom design or remodel of your home or commercial business. This service can range from site visit consultations to full design of your dream project and drafting of construction documents for your building permit.
  2. Design of “granny flats” or second residential units of up to 1200 sq.ft. for parcels of 1 acre or more, as limited by local codes. These are excellent for re-locating aging parents or younger families just starting out. Limitations in size makes good design of these units crucially important. They are a specialty of ours.
  3. Specialized education and personal experience in the area of Universal Design, or handicapped accessibility for homes and commercial spaces. Our belief is that all spaces should have facilities for those with special needs. That granny flat, or even the main level of your home, needs to be designed so grandma and grandpa can come for the holidays!
  4. Energy consultants. We can perform Title 24 Energy Calculations for your residential permit application. Our custom designs for your project will utilize the latest technology to assure you the lowest possible energy consumption and bills.
  5. “Green Design” is a new term for the way we have approached design since our inception. The Earth is our home and it is vital that we respect the way we use it and the resources it provides to us.
  6. Building Permit processing is another service we offer. Our experience with building department officials will smooth out the process for you. Let us guide you though the maze of County Standards.
  7. Project consulting and approach advice. For an hourly rate, we can review what you wish to accomplish and help you determine how and where to start your project. Again, nothing is too large or too small for a little special attention.

Contact us for more information!